 Thank you for choosing Farmer's Cooperative Association. We are headquartered in Blackwell, Oklahoma, and have branches in Ponca City, Tonkawa, Blackwell, Braman, Kildare, Sumpter and Perry. 
Pre-Emerge in Soybeans

With soybean planting right around the corner, it is time to start thinking about putting down your pre-emerge herbicides! Starting clean helps you to spend less on crop herbicides, plus allows the plant to get a head start on those pesky weeds that can rob your soybeans of key nutrients.


Chemical Combo





8 oz/ac




3.5 oz/ac





3.5 oz/ac

4 oz/ac



Broadaxe XC

 28.5 oz/ac



Panther SC

3 oz/ac



Anthem Max

3.5 oz/ac





.95 pt/ac

8 oz/ac



For questions or to get on our schedule for application contact: Marty Steichen @ 580-761-6056 or 580-765-5736

Alternative Herbicide Programs for Dicamba Tolerant Soybeans

Due to the recent court decision which vacated the use of primary dicamba products registered for us on dicamba tolerant soybean systems, alternative weed control options will need to be implemented. Due to resistance, our control options for broadlead weeds are limited to PPO products along with glyphosate and soil residual products.





Anthem Maxx

2.0-5.7 fl oz/ac

Through V6

Anthem Maxx contains Cadet for post weed control as well as residual Zidua. Consult label for specific crop rotational restrictions.


0.9 fl oz/ac

60 days PHI

Cadet contains fluthiacet for control of labeled emerged weeds. Include a soil residual herbicide in the tank mix.


 10-12.5 fl oz/ac

45 days PHI or R6

Cobra contains Lactofen for control of labeled emerged weeds. Include a soil residual herbicide in the tank mix. Causes more severe leaf burn than other PPO's.


1.5 pt/ac

 50 days PHI

Storm contains Ultra Blazer and Basagran for control of labeled emerged weeds. Include a soil residual herbicide in the tank mix.

Ultra Blazer          (Avalanch Ultra)

0.5-1.5 pt/ac

50 days PHI

Ultra Blazer contains Aciflourfen for control of labeled emerged weeds. Include a soil residual herbicide in the tank mix.

Warrant Ultra

48-70 fl/ac

Up to R2

Warrant Ultra conatins Reflex for post weed control of labeled weeds as well as the soil residual herbicide Warrant.

For more information or to get on our schedule for application contact: Marty Steichen @ 580-761-6056 or 580-765-5736

Post Residual Herbicide Options in Soybeans

The best weed management practice is using overlapping residual herbicide applications starting with a pre-plant or pre-emerge residual product, followed by timely post emerge application and a residual product to extend weed control until canopy closure. Many of these herbicides are group 15 herbicides, which do not have POST activity so we must oberlap residuals or control with another herbicide.






0.5-1.5 pt/ac

90 days PHI

Maximum of 2.6 pt/year


0.9 fl oz/ac


Check label for soil type restrictions and rates. 


 1.5 pt/ac


V2-V3 optimum timing. 4 qt/year maximum

Zidua SC

2.0-3.0 oz /ac


May cause some stunting or leaf burn.

Anthem Max

2.0-5.7 fl oz/ac

Through V6

Check label for soil type restrictions and rates


48-70 fl/ac

Through V4

45 days PHI

For use on dicamba tolerant soybeans

For more information contact or t
o get on our schedule for application contact: Marty Steichen @ 580-761-6056 or 580-765-5736

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